God has truly blessed us with an amazing couple, Shawn and Jenny Harris, that we are blessed to call our best friends! Jenny's parents live on a farm in Cuthbert, Georgia and we LOVE it there! It is so peaceful and calm. A few months ago Billy and I took our youth praise team to Jenny's parents house to lead worship at the 2, yes 2 churches that Mr. David, Jenny's dad, preaches at every Sunday. While Mr. David was preaching at the first church, New Bethel Baptist Church, the Lord spoke to my sweet God fearing husband. We had been talking and praying about baptism for a while because Billy had been sprinkled and saved when we was 10 at a Methodist Church but had never been dunked, which, being Baptist, is something we both believe is something that is important as a public profession of faith and death to oneself. God used Mr. David as a vessel to reach Billy and give him his answer. Baptism was something he was called and wanted to do. After being moved by the Spirit Billy asked Mr. David to baptize him. So, 2 weekends ago we finally got a free weekend and went back to Cuthbert for a very relaxing weekend and a baptism!
My sweet husband and Mr. David in the baptistry at Enterprise Baptist Church
Billy is wearing his ABU shirt (Airman Battle Uniform, what he wears to work everyday, it's the under shirt to his jacket). He told Mr. David that he chose to wear it because for him the battle is at work and he wanted it as a reminder this every time he put on his shirt. At home we are an old married couple. We cook, clean, watch TV, snuggle and go to bed. For Billy, work is maintenance, rough neck, greasy, foul language, full of lost souls. Our prayer is that God will use Billy as a vessel at work to save lives of his airmen not just those his helicopter picks up!
At the end of the service. His smile is hard to see, but it's there!

Me with my freshly dunked hunk!
During this very short ride I decided that when you become a parent or a soon-to-be-parent somethings become not so fun anymore. Riding 4-wheelers is one of them.!

My Jenny, John Pierce and I at 21 weeks on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
What a glorious day it was for our little family! My heart is so full of love for Billy and our little lamb, John Pierce. God had blessed us beyond measure and we are truly grateful for it all. I'm so proud of Billy and his decision to follow the will of God and be baptized after being saved for more than 10 years. It wasn't something he took lightly or faintly. He see's it as the way to lead John Pierce and me. With the history that we both have before we truly gave our lives to Christ it is refreshing to know that we found victory and we will be able to tell John Pierce about the stupid things we did and how God never left us and always brought us back. There is so much comfort.
I have held on to this post for 2 days trying to upload the videos from the baptism but they aren't uploading so, I will try again in another post.