Monday, August 8, 2011

Man of my Dreams!

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.'...The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man'.  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, they will become one flesh."
Genesis 2:18-24
This time two years ago I was on my way to the KMA to marry my best friend!  
Here are some high lights of our journey together... 
 Our first picture taken together...even though this was the beginning of the 3rd time around for us! :)
 A proposal on the flight line to end our first deployment!
 A fairy tale wedding...
 Another deployment...
 A pregnancy
 A weekend full of love with best friends and Billy's baptism.
 Had the most precious baby boy.
 and made amazing friends a long the way...
 Putting their hands in Billy's hole!
more great friends made.
I really can't believe that we have been married for 2 years...and it has been so jammed pack.  We've gone to the beach with my dad twice and with my mom and sisters families, gone on anniversary trips while I was in my first trimester and feeling terrible.  Fell in love over and over with each other and our gracious Lord.  We've made the most amazing friends we could ask for and we've chased our dreams.
What a blessed life we've been given.  I'm so excited to see what is in store for us in the future!
I love you William, thank you for loving me better than anyone ever could.
Happy Monday friends,

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